Warning : Dont Use allhitdeals@gmail.com Email ID to communicate with company

Dear Users
One of our own employees who had been terminated for manipulating accounts and cheating the company has unlawfully gained access to our company email ID. He is duping the users asking them to transfer points in different user accounts and is also writing threatening mails to the company and asking for ransom amount too.

While company has initiated legal proceedings against the individual, there are few corrective steps I would like you to adhere to

1) With immediate effect, please send request for mail change and other requests to corporate@allhitdeals.com
2) Don't transfer UID/points to any account without being 100% sure about it after talking to the genuine concerned user.
3) Secure your GMail accounts using 2-step verification.
4) Don't communicate or trust any communication coming from allhitdeals@gmail.com