www.inst.ac.in - INST Scientist and Administrative posts Recruitment Nov-2013

Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST)

  1. Scientist G (Professor G) : 01 post 
  2. Scientist F (Professor F) : 03 posts
  3. Scientist E (Associate Professor) : 09 posts
  4. Scientist D (Assistant Professor) : 04 posts
  5. Scientist C : 08 posts
  6. Scientist B  : 15 posts 
  7. Chief Finance and Administrative Officer : 01 post 
  8. Finance Officer : 01 post
  9. Stenographer : 02 posts
How to Apply :  The application forms, duly filled in and self-attested photocopies of testimonials should be submitted at the above address by Registered/ Speed Post so as to reach by 16/12/2013 . 

for details and application form. Please visit http://inst.ac.in/careers.php